Training Programs Available

Meeting MARPOL Standards (MMS) - Officer Version

This course covers MARPOL Annexes I - VI. There are tracks for Engineers, Non-tanker officers, tanker deck officers, tanker and chemical carrier deck officers, Masters and Superintendents of these vessels. If you are a crew member and not an officer, we suggest you consider purchasing the MARPOL training program for crew at a lesser cost. This program is available in English

$274.00 per user training

Meeting MARPOL Standards (MMS) - Crew Version

This training program covers MARPOL Annexes I - VI and is designed for vessel ratings with more emphasis on Annex V - Garbage regulations. The training program is applicable for any type of vessel. The program is available in English

$225.00 per user training

Waste Management Best Practices (WMBP)

Waste Management Best Practices should be taken after completing one of the Meeting MARPOL Standards training programs. This program covers the practical aspects of managing a vessel's waste stream and covers a variety of topics for engine room, galley and deck operations. This program is available in English and Korean.

$174.00 per user training

Vessel General Permit (NTV)

The Vessel General Permit training covers the US EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulations. This training is no longer available. See VGP 2013 for the current training. There are two tracks in this program. The crew track will cover the regulations and 26 discharges. The officer track covers both the regulations and reporting requirements. Either track will give you access to our NPDES Inspection Checklist program which after answering some vessel specific questions produces an Excel Workbook file containing the routine, quarterly annual and dry-dock inspection checklists. Also included in the Excel Workbook is a Corrective Action Assessment form. This program is available in English and Korean.

$0.00 per user training

MARPOL Knowledge Assessment

This assessment will test your knowledge of the MARPOL regulations appropriate for the type of ship and position on that ship you have selected. When you complete the assessment satisfactorily with a score of 80% or better a completion certificate may be printed.

$30.00 per user training

Horizon Annex I

Horizon MMS Annex I Training

$0.00 per user training


PIL EMS Training

$0.00 per user training

Small Vessel General Permit (sVGP)

Training covering the EPA's Small Vessel General Permit for vessels less than 79 ft that operate in U.S. territorial waters. December 18, 2014, President Obama signed into law the Howard Coble Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2014, S.2444 (PDF), which extended that moratorium for an additional three years, until December 18, 2017. Ballast water discharges from vessels less than 79 feet in length are not affected by the moratorium (i.e., still require permit coverage), but are now able to obtain coverage under either the Vessel General Permit (VGP) or the sVGP as of the sVGP effective date (December 19, 2014).

$49.00 per user training

Navigating Ballast Water Regulations (NBWR)

Navigating Ballast Water Management Regulations(NBWR) contains 5 chapters on Ballast Water Regulations: Introduction, Definitions, Regulations, Ballast Water Treatment Technologies and Ballast Water Record Keeping. A 15 question Assessment is given at the completion of the training.

$199.00 per user training

VGP 2013 Training

VGP 2013 Training covers the US EPA's regulations commonly known as Vessel General Permit under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for the period of 19 Dec 2013 - 19 Dec 2018. This program will also provide the checklists needed to complete the Routine Visual Inspection, Extended Unmanned Period and the Annual Comprehensive Inspection. There are three tracks the learner may select Crew, Engineer or Deck Officer. The Crew track covers the basic regulations. Engineer track includes the crew track along with reporting and in depth coverage of the Exhaust Gas Scrubber Waste water rules. The Deck Officer track includes the crew track, reporting and in depth coverage of the VGP's ballast water regulations. The Master/Superintendent track combines the Engineer track with the Deck Officer track.

$224.00 per user training


GBSC EMS Training

$0.00 per user training

Carbofin MARPOL-EMS Assessment

An assessment for Carbofin combining MARPOL Annexes and Carbofin EMS

$0.00 per user training

Norbulk Shipping Meeting MARPOL Standards

Meeting MARPOL Standards with a customized addendum for Norbulk Shipping. Not for public sale

$0.00 per user training

Scorpio Meeting MARPOL Standards

MMS including the SCORPIO Addendum

$0.00 per user training

PIL EMSM_B Training (EMSM_B_2022_PIL)

PIL EMS Training for the year 2022

$100.00 per user training

PIL EMSM_B Training (EMSM_B_2023_PIL)

This is the 2023 Version of PIL

$100.00 per user training

PIL EMSM_B Training (EMSM_B_2024_PIL)

This is the 2024 version of PIL.

$100.00 per user training

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